SOLD -Calm in The Storm
Title: Calm in The Storm
Size: 30" x 40" x 1.5"
Medium: Acrylic and Resin
Year: 2016
Price: $865.00
“Calm in the Storm”
This piece evolved quite organically and instinctively though
a physical process of experimenting with movement, not only with the canvas but
with my own body movement.
As I layered the medium I quickly picked up the canvas and
tilted, and turned it to create the explosive movement I was aiming for in the
center. I then worked back into the
composition with deliberate brush strokes and added texture.
Once I was happy with the feeling, composition, colors and
textures, I then poured gloss resin on specific areas to bring out even more
depths and added layers.
To me this piece arouses a sense of tension, passion and
excitement, yet the process of making it was very calming, tranquil and
Hence the title of this painting.
Things are not always as they seem, there can be conflicting
ideas or feelings in the same moment of time, they can harmonise, there can be
calm within the storm.