• Journey - Mixed Media


    Mixed Media: Photographs, paint, wall paper, fabric, charcoal, rice paper, patterns etc. (The photos are primarily European antique lanterns and an antique bike).

    Artist Statement:

    We are all on our own Journey through life; though at times we may feel confused or even lost - this is why certain people are inconspicuously placed along our path to help shed light on our way.  If not careful you may disregard these people and their knowledge; not knowing or believing that they may have insight and perspective that you can not see at the time....but don’t be nervous or afraid to alter your course when need be, because life is not about the destination but the Journey, so you might as well decide to enjoy it.

    The most important doors you decide to walk through in life, should be genuine and true to who are and who you want to become – for you; not anybody else, but you.
